
Entity Definition

Logical Name : OperatorSecurityHint
Physical Name : CO_SCTY_HNT_OPR

A record of the Operator's answer to a security hint question that is put to the Operator when they have forgotten their Password and the system is trying to verify their identity and allow a new Password to be set.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
OperatorID (FK)(PK) A unique, automatically assigned number used to identify a workstation OPERATOR. ID_OPR Identity integer Operator(PA_OPR)
SecurityHintQuestionID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for a question that is put to the Customer or Operator when they have forgotten their Password and the system is trying to verify their identity ID_SCTY_QN Identity integer SecurityHintQuestion(DO_QN_SCTY_HNT)
SequenceNumber (PK) A unique system assigned sequence number for each successive OperatorSecurityHint answer chosen by the Operator. AI_OPR_SCTY_HNT LineNumber smallint
Answer A record of the Operator's answer to the indicated SecurityHintQuestion. DE_ANS DescriptionShort varchar(255)
EffectiveDateTimestamp The date and time at which this OperatorSecurityHint was chosen by the Operator. DC_EF EffectiveDateTime datetime
ExpirationDateTimestamp The date and time at which this OperatorSecurityHint ceases to be valie because a new SecurityHint has been chosen. DC_EP ExpirationDateTime datetime


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SecurityHintQuestion is answered by OperatorSecurityHint
Operator answers OperatorSecurityHint

Logical Views containing OperatorSecurityHint

Logical View
Logical 06210 - Access Control - Rules View